Useful telephone numbers of Acapulco

Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Acapulco

  • Highway Assistance and Tourist Help (Angeles Verdes-Green Angels)

    744 483 8470

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Fire Department

    744 462 0454

    Blvd. Las Naciones s/n. Col. Plan de los Amates. C.P 39893

  • Mexican Red Cross

    744 445 6677

    Av. Ruiz Cortines No.126. Col. Alta Progreso. C.P 39610

  • Emergencies (Fire, Red Cross, Police and Civil Protection)


    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • General Hospital

    744 445 5877

    Ave. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines s/n Col. Alta Progreso

  • Tourist Information (INFOTUR)

    800 903 9200

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Mexican Social Security Institute

    744 445 5353 744 5354, 5355

    Av. Ruiz Cortines s/n, Infonavit. Col. Alta Progreso

  • Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE)

    744 445 5073

    Av. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines No. 124 Col. Alta Progreso

  • Citizen line and Missing Persons Service (LOCATEL)

    744 481 1100 744 481 1152

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Central Attorney General

    744 486 9960

    Cerrada de Caminos entre calles Coahuila y Nuevo León. Col. Progreso

  • Federal Highway Police

    744 485 0439

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • State Judicial Police

    744 485 4515

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Preventive Police

    744 485 0650

    Cerrada de Caminos y Sonora s/n

  • Tourist Police

    744 485 0490

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Police Department Auxiliary Police

    744 462 0534

    Blvd. Las Naciones s/n. Col. Plan de los Amates. C.P 39893

  • Bureau for Tourist Protection

    744 484 4583

    Calle Hornitos s/n Ex Zona Militar Col. Centro

  • Federal Prosecutor for the Protection of the Consumer (PROFECO)

    744 483 1558

    Costera Miguel Aleman No. 304 Col. Centro C.P. 39300

  • Civil Protection

    744 434 0170

    Cerrada de Caminos y Sonora s/n

  • City Transit

    744 472 2903 744 472 4879

    Cerrada de Caminos y Sonora s/n